Eye Surgery FAQs

When you are told you need eye surgery, it's natural to be anxious and have questions about the surgery. Our eyes are a vital organ that helps us navigate the world. They give us independence. Unfortunately, surgery is sometimes the best or only treatment option.

The Center for Eye Care and Optical, we provide eye surgery services to patients around West Islip, NY, and its surrounding area. However, we understand you have lots of questions before your surgery. To that end, we've answered some frequently asked questions about eye surgery.

What is my diagnosis?

The eye doctor will inform you when they have a diagnosis and if it warrants surgery. An eye doctor from our practice should be able to tell and explain your diagnosis.

Is there another option for surgery?

Everyone gets scared when it's surgery, and asking this question is natural. Our eye doctors will explain all the potential alternatives available to treat your condition and why they believe surgery will help.

What will happen during surgery?

Regardless of the surgery, everyone deserves to know what the surgery entails. Ask your eye doctor to explain in detail during consultation from anesthesia until the end of the procedure.

Is the surgery safe?

However uncomfortable these questions appear, always ask if it will help calm your nerves. It's natural to have concerns about your well-being and health.

Are there side effects?

Most, if not all, surgeries come with side effects. Knowing all the risks of the surgery helps you plan of time. For example, our eye doctor working with you will tell you if there are lasting effects after the surgery or if someone will need to pick you up from the practice.

What does recovery entail?

The recovery after surgery is always stressful. But you can recover faster and better if you follow the instructions directed by our eye doctors. Our doctors can explain what will happen after surgery and whether you need to take time off your normal duties.

Visit Us for Your Eye Surgery and Ophthalmology Services in West Islip, NY

At The Center for Eye Care and Optical, we offer ophthalmology services for patients in West Islip, NY and the surrounding areas. Please book an appointment with us today for comprehensive eye care services. Call us at (631) 825-7725 today.

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